Sunday, October 24, 2010

.....Vote NO on Proposition A.......

I have already addressed this issue once, but I feel so strongly on how important it is to Missouri and Local Control Rights, I will address it again.  It is imperative to support Local Control and not get confused by the hoopla on this initiative.  One man has financed this ballot issue!!!  One millionaire is trying to steal an election.  To ALL of my Conservative friends, who tell me they are going to Vote Yes, because they are tired of taxes, I ask you this - are you true to Conservative Values and the idea of Local Control?  This tax was voted on and PASSED by the Voters of Kansas City, in 1963 and 1970.  If THEY wish to repeal it, they can.  Why should it be ANY of our business what happens in Kansas City or St. Louis!!!

On this issue, Conservatives are wrong and you are going to handicap ANY long range planning by our States two largest Cities.  If this passes, they will have to vote on this tax every five years to keep it.  There is no way any legitimate long range planning can be done in five year increments.  This is terrible law - its terrible for Missouri.  Please step back and reconsider your Vote - this effects NONE of us in Southwest Missouri!!!!

Follow this link to what Kansas City would lose, without this tax. 

For the sake of professional planning and good Government VOTE NO ON PROPOSITION A - This is NOT a tax issue - it's a local control issue!!!!!

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