Friday, October 22, 2010

.....Drug Seekers CLOG our ER's - Let's eradicate them!!.............

As the people of this Nation focus drug policy attention on Marijuana and legalization, I stand by stunned at the lack of discussion and downright apathy shown by so many Hospital Administrators and Legislators to the REAL drug problem.  Methamphetamine?  While, Meth is a huge problem, no I speak of one creeping up on us fast!  This one is legal, yet illegal, it's in the name of being "humane", but it's inhumane - it's practiced to satisfy, but it's unethical.................what in the World am I speaking of??  I speak of the drug dealers, you call Doctors.

Now, don't get me wrong here, there are many great Doctors and I don't blame the good ones, like I do the bad ones.  I blame Hospital Administrators, Patients, Nurses, Doctors, you, me, your dog, etc.....get my point here - ALL of us are to blame for the epidemic, known as "drug seeking".

You see there are many people who everyday clog, yes clog, the Emergency Rooms of Freeman Neosho, Freeman West, St. John's Joplin, McCune Brooks, Cox - Monett, and EVERY other Emergency Room in America!!!  These people I speak of go to the Emergency Room (many times more than one Emergency Room a day!), to complain of lower back pain, headaches, pain here, pain there, etc.  They seek a prescription for pain killers and 99% of the time (a figure of speech I don't have an actual number) they get it!!!!!  They take these pain medications and out the door they go to "pop pills" and then sell what they don't want.

It makes me sick!  The good Doctors and Nurses (and there are many) who try and curb this practice, have their careers threatened when they try to deny prescriptions to these addicts.  You see, the addicts complain to Administrators about the "terrible and rude" care they received from the Staff, who refused to give them Meds and then the Nurses and Doctors are chastised for not giving the appropriate level of patient care!

This is madness all the way around.  There are millions of dollars of drugs being prescribed each year to addicts through Emergency Departments and the taxpayers are paying for a huge majority of this waste.  It is waste!

Normal Patients, like you and I are just as guilty here as we demand Doctors give us medicine when we don't feel well or have an ache, we could probably suffer through and not whine so much about - but we don't we rely in the miracles of modern medicine - drugs - to "save" us, because we have been programmed to get legalized dope!

If you are not familiar with the practices of drug seekers and the efforts of the many responsible Doctors and Nurses to curb this practice - I beg you to inform yourself on this problem, no this crisis.  Stand with me to demand Health Care Administrators reward the responsible ethical Doctors, who try to say, "NO".  As we seek Healthcare Reform, this is one part of the Battle and as of today - I declare War and say, bring it on - let's fight it out!  No more Drug Seeking at our Nations Emergency Departments!!!

Here is a Blog article from an Emergency Doctor about this problem, please read it and get informed!!! 


  1. When I had shoulder surgery, I told the doctor I didn't want the pain killers for afterward (I wasn't paying the bill either; workers' comp. picked up the tab). I thought it was unnecessary and I didn't plan on taking them. So I was given a supply of a powerful, addictive drug against my wishes. I had a full bottle of pain killers I didn't need and didn't use.

    People are so afraid of pain of any kind. Not facing your pain does not solve the problem. People who are abusing the prescription drugs are not taking those drugs to cover up physical pains. The problems are much deeper - emotional and mental. Taking prescription pain killers won't help with those problems - only prolong them. Those pains won't go away unless one addresses the source of those pains. As long as those problems are allowed to continue, they will not get better.

    Has anyone stopped to think why God gave us the ability to feel pain? Pain tells you when you've pushed too far, when you're in a situation you need to get out of and when something is terribly wrong. Those who can't feel pain have a dangerous disability (congenital insensitivity to pain & CIPA, forms of hereditary sensory and autonomic neuropathy). So why do we seek to not feel pain? Pain is NOT bad. YES, IT HURTS! But it is there for a reason - to tell us something - to alert us to a problem. Address the problem, don't ignore it by covering it up.

    Doctors take the Hippocratic Oath; part of which states, "I WILL FOLLOW that method of treatment which according to my ability and judgment, I consider for the benefit of my patient and abstain from whatever is harmful or mischievous."

    How does prescribing unnecessary drugs benefit the patient (the problem isn't being addressed, but covered up and prolonged)? Prescribing unnecessary drugs IS harmful AND mischievous. Doctors who fail to take a stand and prescribe drugs they know are not needed are violating the oath they took.

    Bonnie T.

  2. This practice is not only harmful to the "patients" who are seeking the unnecessary drugs; it is harmful to other, legitimate patients because valuable time and resources are wasted on the drug-seekers rather than being used to treat the real ailments.

    Doctors who are involved in this practice are harming more patients than just those who are drug-seeking. I guess the oath doesn't mean much to them.

    Bonnie T.

  3. Steve, you are sooo.... right. That is the very reason I am changing careers. The patient will wright a perjurious complaint (untrue uncomplaint) against any health care provider who doesn't supply their need for controlled drugs. Hospital administrators never, and I mean never, support the doctor or the nurse.... and I am sick of it. Once, again, Steve, you have "hit the nail on the head." If real patients want experenced, board certified physicians at the "helm," then they and the insurance complanies need to take a stand against "legalized dope dealing," and support doctors and nurses who practice real medicine.
