Monday, October 18, 2010

....Nikola Tesla - another Hero of mine.....

If you are unfamiliar with Nikola Tesla, you are not unfamiliar with his inventions. The next time you turn on a light switch OR power on your computer, don't thank Thomas Edison, thank Nikola Tesla........

I know there is an hour's worth of video here and you may not have time to watch it all at once, but I encourage you to watch these videos over the course of a couple of weeks and see what you think of Mr. Tesla. He intrigues me and I seriously believe he could have really changed the course of American History, if he had been able to secure more funding for even more of his research.

I am most intrigued by his research on the wireless transmission of electricity. This is an area where I think we should invest research and development dollars. Just think, if Tesla was right and electricity can be transmitted, like radio waves, to a distant receiver - well, the world could be changed forever!

I hope you take the time to watch.....go pop some popcorn....sit back, relax, and meet another Hero of mine.....Nikola Tesla (July 10, 1856 to January 7, 1943)

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5 - Final Episode!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing this! I've always loved Nikola Tesla but this show gave me some insights I didn't have. It's sad to see how little credit Tesla is given for the amazing advancements he made. Hopefully, more people will understand just how much we owe this misunderstood inventor. (Also, this video kinda made me not like Edison at all)
