Friday, October 08, 2010

...........Do we REALLY want the Freedom of Speech????.........

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances." - First Amendment to the United States Constitution (Emphasis added)

Do you believe in this Amendment?  .....You do?.....  Enough to allow people to say things you don't agree with?  Enough to allow vile terrible things to be said by people with political and religious beliefs, which are different than your own?  Enough to let sick deranged people protest at the funeral of your heroes???  Oh, I've hit a nerve now!!!!

People, listen to me here, I know its sickening and I know its not the "popular" position, but WE have to support the RIGHT of the idiots at the Westboro Baptist Church to espouse their vile hatred at military funerals.  The minute we allow OUR Supreme Court to start whittling away at OUR rights, because something offensive and objectionable is said - where do we draw the line? 

In the future, will it be unlawful for me to stand on the street corner quoting Biblical Scripture, because some atheists family finds my words "emotionally hurtful" or "terroristic".  Now, do not get me wrong - I HATE what these people are saying.  I do!  But, WE must defend their right to say these things, or next time - we may be in front of the Supreme Court fighting for OUR rights!!!!..............If we can't agree - let's at least be Civil!!!...................

1 comment:

  1. I agree 100% as much as I detest what some groups are saying or an individual as ignorant as their speech may be we MUST allow it. Becasue if we start drawing the lines like you say where will the line end? It wouldn't and there lies the problem in censoring. This country was built on these rights and that is why we have made it this far.
