Sunday, October 31, 2010

.....Trust, Railroad Crossings, and a Gravel Road.......

Last week, I read with interest a Column written in the Neosho Daily News, by Roy Shaver. If you did not see the editorial by Dr. Shaver - he basically asked for people to bury the hatchet and move on with improving Neosho and not dwell on the past mistakes, by City Officials.

I must say, I agree with Dr. Shaver's overall message, but I am going to have to agree to disagree with him on a few things...........The biggest concern I have about the State of our City is I don't see where the problems are yet in the past. There continues to be an evident lack of planning in some areas and this is effecting all of us.

Case in Point, the recent closing of the Railroad Crossings in Downtown Neosho. Before I go on, I want to go on record as saying I am probably the ONLY Citizen in Neosho who agreed with the decision to close these crossings. That is for another day, but I just want to be clear - I was and am for the closings. Now, with that said, back to my message -

How is it the City of Neosho wants us to get behind their efforts, when they don't plan to put their efforts behind us???  As the City closed the Downtown crossings over the past couple of weeks, they caused traffic to be diverted to new routes, which is fine and in the name of "progress".  But when "progress" sends traffic from paved smooth roads to a gravel rough Road - is it progress? 

Why didn't the City make plans to ensure La-Z-Boy Drive was paved prior to the closings?  This would have allowed for a smooth transition of traffic and would have showed good planning.  As Citizens complained, City Hall directed them to call Swift Construction, who was awarded the paving contract.  Really???  Should unhappy Citizens be responsible for calling the Contractor?  I don't think so, I think that is the City's Job!

Now, as Dr. Shaver was encouraging people to stop the bickering - yes, Roy, I got your message - I do not bring this up to simply complain.  My motive is this - I hope to encourage the City to learn from mistakes and admit them up front.  There will be more mistakes, as we move forward, but if we keep repeating the same type over and over again - how will trust ever be re-established???  If we can't agree - let's at least be Civil!!!!

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