Thursday, October 28, 2010

......English must be our National Language....

On Wednesday, I was speaking with a friend of mine, Chad Spencer, and the topic of speaking English came up.  This is a controversial topic to some, but I really don't know why.  Having English as the "Official" Language of the United States of America is not a matter of race, nor is it a way to put down the ancestry of any person.

To me, the issue of having English only is a matter of survival and continuity for Business Interests and Interests of National Security.  The Great Seal of the United States of America (Pictured Above), has the Latin Phrase - E Pluribus Unum - displayed prominently on the ribbon, which is held in the beak of the Eagle.  To me, this Latin Phrase says it all!!!  E Pluribus Unum means - "Out of Many, One".  This phrase refers to the melting pot and what has made America Great.

As a Nation, we must demand our Schools, Elected Officials, and Government use English only and stop this trend of including Spanish and so many other languages in official documents and teachings.  Now, I am not at all against having translations or translators available for immigrants who move to America.  But, we must do all we can to encourage the transition to English, as soon as possible.

My Family is of French decent on my Mother's side.  As strange and yes downright redneck as it might seem, my Mother's Maiden Name was "Douglass", with two "s".  This is French.  (All my Grandparents were Douglas' or Douglass' - ha ha ha - funny but true).  What if my ancestors from France demanded a switch to French?  What if immigrants from Germany wanted us to change over to German???  I could go on and on, but you get the idea.

At this point in History, there are many Spanish speaking immigrants coming to America.  Forty years from now, it will be some other foreign speaking group.  In order to uphold our identity and the American way of life, we must push the SPEAK ENGLISH AGENDA.

If a person comes to America to live and they get sick, how do they tell a Doctor or Paramedic what is ailing them?  If they encounter a law enforcement officer, in a good or bad circumstance, how do they keep themselves and the officer safe?  If they wish to get the full benefit of all this great Nation has to offer, how can they not learn English????

I would be interested to hear your thoughts on this controversial subject.  Follow this link to an article which was republished from Reader's Digest, about this very issue, if you wish to learn even more.  

If we can't agree - let's at least be Civil.................................

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