Friday, December 10, 2010

......Help the less fortunate - Give to Shop with a Cop.....


A friend of mine, Anna Turney, wrote to me today and pointed out the need for donations to Neosho's Shop with a Hero Program.  Now, I refer to it as Shop with a Cop, because I like the ring that name has and I'm old - so bear with me!

The Shop with a Cop Program is one of the best charities in the immediate area.  I have participated in this for many years and have seen first hand the joy brought to children.  The children who participate would otherwise not have much of a Christmas.

I am sure you are familiar with the program, so I will stop here, but please give money to this very worthwhile event!  Even if you don't live in Neosho, but grew up here, please give back to our community at a time when so many kids need to smile!!!!

Send donations to:  "Shop with a Hero" - Neosho Police Department - 201 N. College Street - Neosho, Mo. 64850.

For Questions call the Neosho Police Department @ 417-451-8012!!!

Thank you and thanks for ensuring many children will have a MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Steve for taking the time out to post this on your blog!! Neosho has always been a great community for giving, I have no doubt we will pull together and have another successful "Shop with a Cop" this year and make many children smile!!!!

