Wednesday, December 29, 2010

.......Goals for the New Year (no resolutions!).......

(This is my submission to the Seneca News Dispatch for this week)

As the New Year approaches, many people will be discussing their “resolutions”.  I will not be one of them.  You see, I am not good at keeping my resolutions, so I have decided to have goals or targets.  This way if I mess up I will just say; “I missed my target” and not feel like such a bum for failing.

There are always things we can improve upon.  I have struggled with my weight for years.  I know all of the reasons I must lose weight, from appearances to heart health.  I have tried to diet and exercise.  Every time, I seem to miss my target and fall off the wagon.  I find comfort in eating food, especially when I am stressed. 

Eating because you are stressed is not much different than an alcoholic drinking because they can’t cope with their life.  Now, before you get too upset with me in comparing over eating and over indulging alcohol – realize there really are similarities. 

Neither of these activities is good for your body and each leads to a multitude of health problems.  People become ill and go to emergency rooms all over the Country because of health issues related to obesity and alcoholism. Much money is wasted by people spending to satisfy these bad habits.  There is no question, in my mind, alcoholism is much more serious of a social issue, but you get the idea of what I am illustrating.

Along with my eating habits, I am working hard to rein in my spending and inflate my savings.  Along with most of you, this past year has not been kind to my pocket book.  The economy has impacted all of us in some way or another. 

I think it is imperative we reduce our personal debt, along with the National Debt.  There is no sense in leaving a lot of bills behind for my children to pay.  Instead, I want to be in a healthy financial position, which will allow me to assist my kids – as they age.  I will continue to focus on what I “need” versus what I “want”.  I will make wise choices, so I can enjoy a nice trip to Europe or Australia, without feeling guilty or breaking my bank account!

Along with my weight and finances, I am going to seek out ways to make the community better.  This is something I have considered for years and I encourage you to do the same.  If each one of us would do something simple, for example, pick up one piece of outdoor litter everyday.  How much cleaner would our community be?  If we all took the time to hold open a door for a Senior Citizen or to pause and allow someone else to have a parking place in front of us as we cruised a crowded store lot – would the world be just a little bit nicer? I think so!

Ushering in 2011 will not bring resolutions to me but it will cause me to focus a little harder on my target.  I wish you the best as the new calendar turns over.  For those of you brave enough to make “resolutions”, I bid you good luck.  As for myself, here’s hoping for a thinner, richer, and more philanthropic year!  

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