Friday, November 12, 2010

......We MUST Act and SAVE America.....

As I stated in my blog entry, "Do we have Honor and the Will to save America?" (posted November 5, 2010) , we must be willing to make tough choices to solve our Nations Financial mess. 

To my Conservative friends, if you realistically believe we can balance our Budget AND erase the Deficit without any tax increases - show me your plan. 

To my Liberal friends, if you realistically believe we can balance the Budget AND erase the Deficit without cutting Social Programs - show me your plan.

In the November 11, 2010 edition of The New York Times, there is a decent article presenting the concerns of BOTH sides and why it is likely the effort to solve our deficit will fail.  CLICK HERE for the Times Story.

We are ALL going to have to compromise and come together to solve this issue!  We must stop putting it off.  Let's deal with it now!  Have the courage and the will to do what is RIGHT and not necessarily politically correct.  For once, let's all join together and fight as one for AMERICA!!!!


  1. What is meant by social programs? Does this include social security and farm subsidies? I remember a time not long ago when these same programs existed and the country even had a financial surplus. That was before the Bush tax cuts and stimulus checks to everybody using any surplus funds. Then with low taxes and driving up the deficit were the Afghanistan and Iraq wars, TARP, and the Stimulus Bill that shoved the country into debt. Taxes should be raised. However, cutting many of these social programs punishes the poor for the mistakes of the wealthy. Let’s be honest social programs are not what put the country in debt.

  2. Jason, I have no problem with social programs for those who truly need it and therein lies the problem. I see people daily, literally daily, either through my job or through my rentals, who are able to work but they have used the system to get disability or some other form of welfare. This is abuse and its rampant. There are many capable people using these programs who are just lazy! They are stealing from you, me, and the people who really need the services.

    Weed out these bums, shore up abuse and administration waste and then we will be getting somewhere. That is what I mean by cutting back on such programs. We are obligated to care for those who can not care for themselves, but not for thieves and bums.
