Wednesday, November 03, 2010

......Proposition A is passed.......

As you know, I was against this Proposition, because I felt so strongly about local control, but it passed.  It passed Statewide, Big time!  This does not mean I will stop my advocacy of what is in Missouri's best interests, in my opinion! 

There are several interesting things to note about this election, on the Statewide Ballot questions.  I hope my conservative friends and local neighbors will take heed and maybe, just maybe, I will be able to influence someone on the NEXT election..............................

First, for Proposition A - the only jurisdictions effected by this tax are the only two who voted against the initiative -  THAT IS - THE ONLY TWO LOCALITIES PAYING THE TAX CURRENTLY VOTED TO KEEP IT!!!!!  I feel that proves we meddled in someone else's business.  Kansas City Voters were against the issue by 55% of the vote, while in St. Louis a whopping 68% of voters were against it!!!!  Now, I know some of you will say they can keep voting to have the tax and this is true, but thanks to us "outstate" voters - Both Cities will not be able to do any long range planning, because they will have to renew the tax every five years.

Now, on to the flip side - most people in our area were against Proposition B - but it passed Statewide thanks to Kansas City and St. Louis voters - with a little help from the rural counties of Pemiscot and Dunklin (they form Missouri's Bootheel).  The point I am trying to make is this - with the noted exception of the Bootheel Counties - the urban areas just passed a law that will cost our communities jobs!!!!  BUT, we just passed a law that will potentially cost them long range planning and local services!!!

Missouri must stop fighting the US Versus THEM battle of Rural Versus Urban.  All Taxes are NOT bad and All Dog Breeders are NOT running Puppy Mills!  Wake up Missouri!

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