Wednesday, November 17, 2010

...TSA Pat downs - DON'T let the Media get us killed!!!.........

As I look at the photo above, I can not understand those protesting the full body scan machines OR the intensive pat down searches being employed, by the Transportation Security Administration (TSA).

Americans are so Naive!!!  Don't let CNN, ABC, CBS, or ANY news outlet get you to believe these pat downs are "intrusive and unnecessary"!!!!  For the last few days, this is all I have heard - story after story about this traveler being searched in some "rude" manner.  One flier made headlines by being video taped, while telling a TSA Screener, "I will have you arrested if you touch my junk".  This is irresponsible for anyone to say and its irresponsible for the media to report!

There is another video circulating, which shows a TSA Screener patting down a three year old child.  I listened as News Anchors and Commentators have said how "ridiculous" and "out of line" this was to search a "poor" little child.  

PEOPLE, we are at war!  Look at the picture above again!  I realize MOST people are trust worthy and honest, but how do the Screener's know who is good or bad?  As a police officer, I am placed into similar situations everyday.  I have found guns hidden by adults underneath infants in car seats and I have recovered Methamphetamine from a baby's diaper - where his "High" mother put it to keep me from finding it.  Now, if these "dumb" street level crooks can think of these things - what about a highly educated terrorist?

I agree 100 percent, the Screeners must be polite and respectful, but because of some rude employees there is a push on to scrap this level of security altogether.  We are naive!

Below is a news video from today (11-17-2010), which I copied from MSNBC.  Featured is the TSA Chief discussing the new procedures and defending them.  We must join him in keeping this new measures OR more Americans will needlessly die at the hands of terrorists!

After that video is a very graphic video of People JUMPING from the World Trade Center Buildings on September 11, 2011.  This compilation of videos was censored in the United States and not shown to us.  If you still question the need for the improved security measures - watch this video.  



As always if you don't agree with my point of view - that's fine - leave your opinion in the comments section below - "If we can't agree - let's at least be Civil!"


  1. Stacey Becker said, "I don't believe we need "intrusive" security. i believe we need(ed) ppl on watch who were doing their jobs. :) my 2 cents"

    Deborah Hutchison said, "I have no problem with these measures. Come on so its a pic of your skeleton on xray big deal. To keep me safe while I am flying to see family or vacation destiny or wherever i am all for it. Oh i could really say more but I will keep a tame tongue here."

  2. Stacey Becker said; "thats part of the job of our military and its the job of our leaders to listen. too many people turn a blind eye and a deaf ear in the name of the almighty dollar. oil countries = $$. (oh i can say its the job of the military b/c it was my job...before anyone jumps all over me! lol)"

    Deborah Smith-Hutchison said; " Sadly enough not always the guy responsible for the oklahoma city bombing (granted it wasnt inflight) did not wear a turban just sayin"

    Steve Douglas said;" Thanks Stacey for your thoughts! Hope you are doing well!"

    Steve Douglas said;" Deborah, in all seriousness - you make the point exactly as I see it. There are no signs out there saying "stay away from me - I want to kill Americans". Unfortunately, this has nothing to do with any race, religion, or anything that might make it easier to identify the criminals. Bad people look just like you and me!"

    Stacey Randen Becker said; "I agree with that...but no matter what we do, we cant stop violence against Americans or anyone else in the world for that matter. i think there is more bad that can come from continuing to open ourselves up to the government intrusion in the name of "protecting us" than not.

    when i was doing intel in the navy we had very, very strict rules concerning listening to u.s. citizens. you HATED to accidentally roll onto someone speaking english because that meant hours and hours of work ahead. now...NSA has access to every text, phone call, mms msg that goes through ATT and we just accept that b/c someone decided it was going to "protect us."

    the same ppl voting to keep government out of healthcare and happy meals are the ones who are ok with wire tapping and intrusive airport searches. i just dont understand that."

    Stacey Randen Becker said; "ty steve for the well wishes :) im good."

    Deborah Smith-Hutchison said;" We may not be able to stop all acts against us but we can sure try and when we quit trying then we have lost!"

    Michelle Baker said; "Thanks for this post. We are going to Hawaii in a few months and I would like to get there and back safe and sound. If that means being searched to ensure my safety then so be it. If someone doesn't want to go thru the intensive searches then I suggest they find another mode of travel. This is not the same world we grew up in and ALL people need to open their eyes and look around them and SEE what is truly happening in this country."

    Deborah Smith-Hutchison said;" As far as my texts being read or a phone call dropped in on by someone who is miles away and could care less about what i am having for dinner doesn't really bother me but i guess if i were up to no good it might. I understand privacy issues I do but I also understand the times of today. There will always be different points of views by people so with that being said we should pick our fights wisely and walking thru an xray point at the airport doesn't seem to be one of the more important fights. Thats my opinion!"

    Stacey Randen Becker said; " its nice that we can all share our opinions :) (nice to meet you, deborah) lol"

  3. Deborah Smith-Hutchison said;" I see your comments pop up here and their and always enjoy reading them. Nice to meet you too. BTW thank you for serving this country and fighting for my freedom even to comment my opinions on facebook. Your awesome!"

    Stacey Randen Becker said; "welcome. :)"

    Deborah Smith-Hutchison said; " Now if I could only type with less typos :("

    Stacey Randen Becker said; " lol its fluent in typonese :)"

    Steve Douglas said; "Stacey, as you and I have discussed before, it is always a pleasure to hear from you. I respect your opinions on so many of the things you and I see differently. It is always good to challenge your beliefs with an intelligent person on the "other side" and still be friends at the end of the day.

    Just like you and Deborah being able to be kind to one another, yet differ. To me, this is how America "should be".

    If all the people of our Nation could calmly discuss our differences, maybe we could actually learn from one another and SOLVE some issues.

    God bless us and or great Nation!"

    Steve Douglas said; "Speaking of typos! LOL, "our great Nation!"

    Ryan West said; " Steve, I honestly think that FAA Officials have good intentions, but how much more of our privacy and rights are we going to give up because of fear? Its a dangerous world, bad things happen, and will continue to happen regardless of our best efforts. If people can't accept that, they should build a bunker in their back yard and stay there. I'm tired of the fearmongers taking joy away from those of us who like to experience life without unnecessary molestation and intrusion"

    Deborah Smith-Hutchison said; "Being proactive does not warrant fear its just saying I am aware of my environment and willing to go to great measures to protect Americans and my loved ones."

    Steve Douglas said; "Ryan, that is a good point as well - at what point have we gone too far - I understand that, but on this particular issue with the past of 9-11, I see no problem with the machines or a good pat down. But, I am with you on giving up joy because of somethings like this.

    I agree with Stacey's point too, there is hypocrisy in the very nature of this debate with people, like myself, who are more moderate to conservative; demanding the Government get out of their lives on Health Care, but allowing such searches. Stacey, the irony is not lost to me, but I just don't want so see another attack - even though I know there will be one at some point in time!"

    Steve Douglas said; "Deborah, well put!"

  4. Thank God we live in the USA, with a system of checks and balances... and freedom to speak. I wish NPR hadn't fired Juan Williams for just speaking. And I am so thankful that Steve can post his blog. I don't want to live anywhere that I can't speak or be free. And like every American... I'm still angry about 911 and all the lives that were lost. Thank you everyone with the courage to take a stand; even if I disagree... I respect your opinion... and I feel blessed because I'm fortunate to even be alive and listen.

  5. Steve, i think the real question is how many freedoms are people willing to give up just to be safe. myself, i would rather have my freedom and be allowed to make myself safe. im sure that everyone on the flights of american airlines flights11 and 77 and united airlines flights 175 and 93 wished they would have been legally allowed to carry guns. imagine that. what would have happened then? i think that the government has became too strong and tries to make us believe that they can protect us and that is why they can pass laws that take away our freedoms. all it took was 19 people deciding not to abide by such laws and we all found out that the government can't protect us. i say give our freedoms back and let us decide how to protect ourselves.

  6. Jody - thank for your thoughts! I agree it is a shame we have lost a great deal of freedoms due to 9-11-01. I just fear it is going to get worse, before it ever gets better!

    P.S. - It's great to see you on here! I miss ya. Next time you go to an Airport - MJ and I will have to arrange another "escort" for you!
