Friday, November 05, 2010

.....Do we have Honor and the Will to save America???........

As I look back on Tuesdays election results and see the change in members coming to the House of Representatives, I can't help but wonder - is change really coming to America?  Do "we", as Americans, "really" want change?

I hear so many people speak about the budget deficit and our National Debt.  People gripe about waste in Washington, like the famous $600 toilet seat.  But as people complain, what solutions do they offer?  What are they willing to put on the table to save America?

As I write this morning, the United States National Debt is soaring and nearing $14,000,000,000,000!!!!  That is FOURTEEN TRILLION DOLLARS!!!  As of today, this equates to $124,155.00 per taxpayer!!!  The median yearly income for an American Citizen, in 2010, stands at $32,140 


As you know, I am a fiscal conservative and I believe strongly in a balanced budget and erasing our National Debt.  A lot of Americans say they agree with me, but when it comes time to axe things from the budget - people begin to scream.  People complain about cuts to military spending, social programs, highway spending, space exploration, etc.  I could go on and on.  As an example, if the Congress really became serious about balancing the budget and erasing the National Debt and they suggested closing the Neosho National Fish Hatchery to save money - people in Neosho would go nuts!!!  (For the record, I am a huge fan of the Hatchery and that is why I am using this as an illustration) BUT, we ALL must be willing to give up something in order for our Nation to prosper!

Candidates talk about fiscal responsibility, but when they get to Washington, they seem to get bogged down in the day to day politics and no change ever happens - well that's not true - the Debt changes - it gets bigger!!!  I want to advocate some real change and see the Debt go away, so here are just a few of my suggestions:

1.     If you really want to see fiscal change, the only way it will happen is if you join me in forcing Congress to be fiscally responsible and the ONLY WAY to do this is to support me in starting a real push for THE 28TH AMENDMENT TO THE CONSTITUTION - THE BALANCED BUDGET AMENDMENT.  If we pass this amendment, we would force Congress to cut spending, but we would have to be willing to sacrifice some of our favorite Government programs and services!!!!  We must pass this Amendment!

2.     We must pass a law giving the President of the United States the Line Item Veto!

3.     We must be willing to sacrifice parts of the current Social Security and Medicare programs, for the overall good of society.  Older voters, tend to vote in higher numbers than other citizens, which has placed Social Security off limits.  I know how controversial this is, but we must change it!

These are only a few of my ideas, but I hope to stir debate and discussion.  If we don't act soon, we will kill any chance we have of regaining American Financial Dominance in the World. 

For information on where the Debt stands RIGHT NOW - click HERE - and follow this link to the U.S. National Debt Clock.

God Bless America!

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