Friday, April 08, 2011

Neosho asks, "What came first, the chicken or the egg?"

Nearly 300 years BEFORE Jesus walked the Earth, Aristotle,the Greek Philosopher,  pondered a question – which I pose to you today – “What came first the Chicken or the Egg”.

Now, my version of the Chicken and Egg dilemma is varied slightly, from Aristotle’s, yet the philosophy is the same.

For years, I have watched dollars – hard earned dollars – escape Neosho’s businesses and Local Governments.   There have been campaigns, from the Neosho Area Chamber of Commerce, the City ofNeosho, various individual businesses, etc.  But, too little avail.

I have asked many people why they leave Neosho and selection of goods or services ALWAYS comes up.  It’s true there are not many restaurants or retail outlets, in Neosho.  However, it is also true – most retail and restaurant companies, who operate on a National Level, do a tremendous amount of research before investing in a community.  These businesses look at many factors, but one of which is what percentage of a dollar earned in a community – is spent within that community.

In Neosho, a huge percentage of “a dollar earned”, by a Neosho resident, is spent out of the area – a majority of it in the Joplin market. The Neosho Chamber of Commerce did a retail study on this several years back, so if you wish to check my facts – feel free to contact them and see what they tell you.

This past week, I noticed a Carthage based masonry company is building the beautiful wall, in front of the Neosho High School.  This wall is NOT being built by the school district, but by Alumni from the School – who worked hard to raise private money for a very worthy aesthetic improvement.  Are there no brick layers, in Neosho - who pay Neosho taxes????

Then, the City of Neosho awarded a bid for hundred of t-shirts, which will be worn by our Neosho Youth in the City Soccer League, to a Diamond, Mo. based business.  Three Neosho based businesses bid on the same project, but were passed over.

Thirdly and from a slightly different angle – I give you this:  The Neosho High School Student Body is once again holding their Prom at the Holiday Inn, in Joplin.  I hate to see this.  I know – as mentioned – there are few places to go eat, in Neosho for prom.  I know our venues are not the absolute best for the dance, but there are options.    

When I was a teenager growing up, businesses on the Neosho Square complained loudly about the teenagers who “cruised the square”.  They successfully lobbied the City Council for parking and time of assembly restrictions.  Soon, the kids were gone and the Square was quiet. 

The message to me and the other younger members of Neosho was clear – the Downtown Businesses did not want us there.  Unfortunately, as we grew up and began spending our paychecks – we remembered the message and a lot of my peers stayed away from the square.  Undoubtedly, there were many reasons for the collapse of the Downtown Business District, but you will never convince me – this move was not one of them.

Point is, we all rely on one another – as we are a COMMUNITY.  A Community takes care of itself.  We MUST make every informed business decision we can to protect EACH other and it starts with shopping Neosho! 

If we spent more money here – with the businesses we have – our sales taxes would improve and the National Chains would see the numbers and decide to locate here.  In addition, the improved sales taxes would improve our police and fire departments, as they suffer through a very difficult time. 

Consider this, the City of Neosho (not speaking of the Neosho Area Fire Protection District – but I am speaking of the CITY) has not purchased a new fire truck in more than FIFTEEN years.  The City of Neosho has not bought a new police car in four years.  Your life and mine rely on these vehicles, but there is no money to buy them.  We are killing ourselves.

Shop Local and help Neosho "hatch the egg - back to its glory days!"  Your Neighbor will thank you!

Wednesday, April 06, 2011

There is Joy in being a "Loser"!!!!!

Now that the April 5th Neosho School Board Election is over, I can get my life back to normal.  However, like all experiences in a person’s life – I have gained wisdom and perspective.

No one puts their effort into anything to lose, but I have learned there is Joy in losing.  You see;  in this election there were five candidates and the top three vote getters won a seat on the Neosho School Board.  I finished 15 votes away from gaining one of those seats.  Disappointing? Of course, but in all reality losing has brought me Joy.  How can this be?

As I watched the election slip away last night, I wondered what I could have done to get a few more people to the polls.  Then something strange began to happen.  My phone began to light up with calls and text messages – my facebook page had many remarks and I got private messages – all from people wishing me well and offering encouraging words.  It was then I realized how blessed I truly am. 

To have people reach out to you as the “Loser”, you know those people truly care about you.  They have no hidden agenda, no politics to gain, no job to seek from you.  These people reached out to me, because they were good decent friends and they shared my passion for a better community.

When I worked for the Neosho Police, I learned a hard lesson over the many years in which I had great influence over hiring and firing decisions.  People would get close to you in an effort to get a job or a promotion, but they might care little for you as an individual.  To be clear, I don’t mean all people were this way, only a few, but these few certainly existed.  That was one of the things I had to watch out for and “weed out”, as I determined people’s motivations and true Heart.

With this “loss” yesterday, I have determined I really won.  I won because I have the respect of some of the greatest people anyone could know.  I won because these people are genuine in their feelings toward me and have nothing to gain.  I won because issues were brought out during my campaigning, which will benefit the youth of Neosho. 

Most importantly, Neosho won, because unlike some School Districts who had no “competition” for seats on their Board – Neosho had fierce competition from five candidates, any of whom were worthy to serve – all of whom desired to serve for the RIGHT reasons.

As you face losses in  your life, look at those people who surround you and lift you up and you will understand what I mean – there is much Joy in losing!!!!!  Thank you to all who stood by me and supported my dream!  GO CATS!!!!!