Friday, January 31, 2014

Bullying is a serious issue and MUST stop!

Bullying is a VERY serious issue and must be dealt with, by us all working TOGETHER!

Dr. Kenneth Ginsburg, a pediatrician at the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia and co-author of "Letting Go with Love and Confidence: Raising Responsible, Resilient, Self-Sufficient Teens in the 21st Century.", says,"Character is about doing the right thing when nobody is watching or when it's hard to do.  The person with character says, 'not in my presence.' "

According to statistics provided on  , the Bureau of Justice Statistics reported more than 1 in 4 kids, grades 6 to 12 were involved in some type of bullying, in 2008 - 2009 school year (latest available numbers).

Recently, the Neosho School District has come under scrutiny for an alleged act of bullying, on one of our buses.  The Neosho Schools take bullying very seriously, unfortunately, in my opinion, the manner in which this incident has been handled has served to harm the cause of anti-bullying efforts.  Please allow me to explain and realize I in no way intend to minimize the allegations being made, also realize, due to The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) (20 U.S.C. § 1232g; 34 CFR Part 99), I am not going to be able to discuss the specific situation, of the child, rather my focus - here is on teamwork.

The recent incident has led to an online attack of the Neosho School District and a couple of our Administrator's.  I want to emphatically defend our Administration and assure you they will deal with ANY situation of bullying, brought to their attention!  Safety of ALL children, within our community is our number one priority.  I have seen several parents allege inaction, by the Neosho School District, with regards to bullying.... to this I ask, to whom have you complained?  I have been on the school board, for nearly two years, and I am unaware of any complaints being brought before the school board, because a parent felt they had not been resolved by our staff.  The Neosho School District has anti-bullying efforts in place and has aggressively trained staff to deal with this pressing issue.

If any parent feels they have an issue with their child, particularly the safety of their child, I encourage them to follow the procedure and discuss the situation with the Principal involved.  If, after that meeting, they feel their concerns have not been addressed; then contact our Administrative Office and speak to an Assistant Superintendent OR the Superintendent.

Now, here is my real concern and point of today's Blog..... notice my terminology - two paragraphs up - when I say the word "attack".  I know people, myself included, have felt "attacked" over this issue and that is most unfortunate.  We ALL want to prevent any bullying and keep kids safe.  Any time, ANY person, or entity is placed on the defensive it detracts from the main issue.  It is just human nature.  If someone makes statements against you, your family, etc; you - most likely - will feel a bit ruffled and emotions will rise.  That is counter productive to what really needs to happen with all serious matters.

I have noticed many people "liking" a facebook page related to this incident and I wonder.... instead of just "liking" a page, what real effort could all of us make to prevent bullying all across Neosho?  We can make threats to go to this agency or that agency, to seek legal counsel, or degrade one another in public forums, BUT unfortunately - at the end of the day - kids are still being bullied!           Why?              Because, ALL serious matters REQUIRE teamwork to be solved.  We must work TOGETHER to face this issue and educate people to end the cycles.  There are many reasons children bully other children.

Education, teamwork, counseling, and a UNITED front are the ONLY ways we are going to keep our kids safe.  I have seen enough division, in the Neosho Community.  It is time it comes to an end.  I think there are many positive actions in progress, to make Neosho an even greater place to live...... I hope we can SOON add positive team action to prevent bullying - to the list of Neosho's great efforts!

Please visit to learn more.

If we can't agree, let's at least be civil.........

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Neosho Junior High Proposal - UNITED WE STAND DIVIDED WE FALL.....

This is an illustrative EXAMPLE ONLY and not meant to serve as a FINAL example of the proposed Junior High.  I include this picture, simply to assist the reader with orientation to the land, involved, and the design to which we are proposing. Actual road design and building location, may change in the coming weeks.

 As many of you are well aware, our Neosho School Board has voted to place a bond issue on the April 8th Election Ballot.  As the Issue draws closer, I will be posting additional statements, to my Blog, in the hopes of answering questions.  HOWEVER, today's blog is about Me and the Great People of the Neosho Community.  This IS about our future.  

This is the great flag of Missouri.  If you look closely, at the seal, in the center, you will see the words; "United We Stand Divided We Fall".  We, the People of Neosho, must pause and seriously think about this, as we consider the Bond Issue, for a New Junior High.

I have heard from people, who preferred the "Taylor Property", as the location for the building.  Some of these people have told me they will oppose this issue, because it is not being located there.  I liked the Taylor Property, as well.  It has many great benefits and features that would be awesome, for any structure, but the reality is I am one vote of seven and it was clear the majority liked the property, near George Washington Carver Elementary.  So, let's have an honest discussion about that property AND our core beliefs....................

I have not yet heard from anyone who disagrees Neosho has an overcrowding problem that MUST be addressed.  We all, for the most part, seem to agree on that!!!!

IF we each intend to only vote for a plan that suits our specific desires and needs, we will NEVER build a school and improve our community.  In every community, people have to compromise and work together to each get some of what they want.

I share concerns about the traffic congestion around the Carver Property, BUT I want to assure you all, we have seriously considered this and here is what I know today; the City of Neosho and The Neosho Transporation Development District have declared a truce.  The TDD project IS moving ahead.  With that said, soon, Hale McGinty Drive, by the Neosho Middle School, will soon be a through Street to an access point with US 60.  Once that happens, there will undoubtedly be improved traffic flow around the Middle School.

In addition to the improved flow around the Middle School, we will be shifting some traffic from that facility to the New Junior High, as Seventh Grade students will no longer be attending the Middle School.  The ONLY new traffic, into the area, will be from the Eighth Grade students.  Looking objectively, at the Carver Property, there is access, from the south on Kodiak Road, the West on Norway Road, and the North on Kodiak Rd., from say the area of Old Seneca Road.  Point is, there are relief points to the traffic in this proposed area.

Can I promise you will not wait a few minutes in traffic??? NO, I can not make that promise.  BUT, can I promise we will alleviate overcrowding and build a Junior High that will suit our needs into the foreseeable future?  YES!!!! I can promise you that.  I can also tell you, our plans include the new Junior High being built with a Tornado Safe Room large enough to house all the students on the campus.

We will never come up with a perfect plan, for everyone.  But, everyone can perfectly plan to improve Neosho.  

The time for bickering is past.  Has our School District made mistakes?  Yes, I believe so.  The District is operated by human beings, who are not perfect.  Do all of the people associated with our District have the communities best interests at heart?  YES!  I do not question their heart and desire to do the very best by your children.

We can complain about the past, the plan, and the cost, BUT it will not change our needs.  The cost will only get greater, the past will always be in the past, the plan will never be 100 percent for everyone.  

Open your mind, step back and dream about what YOU want for Neosho....... now, tell me do we get to your dreams by uniting together or dividing, from one another???????

If we can't agree, can't we at least be civil..............................................