Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Polarization is chilling America

While reading comments on my Facebook Page, today, I thought about the path we are taking, for America.  I found it interesting how far apart I was with some of my friends on our beliefs about "Obamacare" and what its implementation will mean to American Business.  What struck me most was how much I appreciate my friends speaking up and giving me their thoughts, even when they know we differ.

I am worried about our "Polarization", as a People.  We should be Americans FIRST and everything else second.  (I took the above picture from "RealClearPolitics".  Read their Blog, it is interesting!)  As you can see, from the picture above, we have become more polarized, over the last 16 years.

My concern is this; why is it we can't stop to respect the opinions of those whose beliefs differ from our own.  In a personal way, what makes someone else's opinion more right or wrong than mine?  I feel many people have become so entrenched in their opinion they refuse to be open to the other side.  Maybe, JUST MAYBE, we could learn something from one another and actually carry America forward.

This Polarization has led to a Missouri Legislature and United States Congress who have accomplished very little, over the last several years.  The Republicans and Democrats are so worried about fighting with one another and opposing whatever the other side supports - that BOTH sides are losing out.

Please take time to listen, truly listen, to people who hold views opposite your own.  Maybe they will bring up valid points to challenge you and make your beliefs stronger; maybe you both will find some common ground and remember - WE ARE AMERICANS FIRST - and everything else second.  IF WE CAN'T AGREE.....LET'S AT LEAST BE CIVIL!!!!!!!